Monday, December 28, 2009

4 more days! ...and our views

Good evening! Only 4 more days until we launch our new marketing campaign for VT businesses through social media and our website. We are still booking days at low prices, so be sure to call us at (802) 324-1201 to book your day and/or ask questions. Also, a reminder that some of our FAQs are listed on

Here are our views on social media:

Short, sweet & to the point!

Quick comments that will attract people to your business. Your contact information, sales and/or promotions can hit a lot of people with very little effort.

A few words does it!
Once you initially get the attention of the prospect, then you can explain your company in more detail. Easy explanations of what your business is all about. It doesn't need to be drawn out in complex form.

People share, people talk!
People can easily pass the information on with just a click of the mouse. You're information, comments, tweets, etc will travel to others fast! Relaxed marketing within a social environment is more comforting then being bombarded with business information.

New and exciting!
People on twitter, Facebook, blogs, etc are possibly a whole different market then those who you are already hitting with other means of marketing. Social media is hot right now, exciting and still pretty new. People are exciting about being on twitter and Facebook and are on it... A LOT!

Timing is everything
You can market with social media at all times of the day. If you happen to be up at 3am, but your time to use! We're not saying that you need to be awake 24/7, however if you want to promote your business and happen to have a free moment, but that time to good purpose!

People feel special when they communicate with a company. Especially if they can just chat with to someone. It might be about the business, or commenting on how the weather is outside. Either way, people feel more of a connection when they can just type how they are feeling or what's on their mind. Social media is also a great way to get some customer/client insight on your company!

It's one of the cheapest ways of marketing!
Enough said!!!

You get the idea, we think that social media is key for any business. It's a great way to promote yourself, get your information out there and interact with consumers.

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