Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Making it Homemade

Sometimes in life we meet people randomly who end up sticking around for a while. It was one such random encounter that led me to Chad and Linda Blasch, a newlywed couple living in Jeffersonville, VT. Since I met the Blasch's last year their lives have gone through some major changes. Linda quit her 9-5 office job and Chad decided to strike out on his own doing what he does best, forging and farrier work. It was during this transition that the couple decided it was time to make a go at living off of what they love, and so The Mill and Anvil was born.

Linda is an accomplished seamstress specializing in handbags, wallets, sacks, backpacks and duffles. She's also tried her hand at mixing herbs and essential oils to create scented body products. She's currently interning at Way Out Wax, based in Morrisville, VT to learn the ropes of candle making.

Chad has been forging metals for years. He attended Cornell's veterinary school and gained his credentials in Farrier Science. He's since expanded on his work to include designer housewares. More on Chad later ... today is Linda's day to shine.

The Mill and Anvil: http://millandanvil.wordpress.com/

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